Friday, April 2, 2010

I'm With the Band

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Jacket and Shirt - Forever 21, Jeans - Abercrombie & Fitch

I just got back from a two night trip to Las Vegas, home of both high and low rollers. I am not much of either really, but whenever I go to Vegas it always means a tremendous amount of walking, chowing, and shopping for me. I picked up a few nude pieces that I am excited to share with you soon! Now that I am back, I have so much to catch up on from work to your blogs! But I like to keep myself busy, so this fact is more than alright. This is a casual outfit that I wore last weekend. I transitioned my military band jacket into the spring season by pairing it with a light ashy wash of distressed denim. I have also been experimenting with different tones of red lipsticks, and I think that I have finally found the perfect deep crimson red. Try Red Revival by Maybelline. It's a blood red fit for a vampire, with no hints of orange or pink. I've been wearing it every single day for the past week. Deep red lips always make people stare, but that is all in the fun.


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