Sunday, April 4, 2010

Nude, Red, and Black

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Jacket - Crispin & Basilio, Tank - H&M, Jeans - Forever 21, Boots - Steve Madden, Purse - Jigsaw

I didn't take too many pictures in Vegas because I have been there too many times in the past and have so many captured memories already. Another reason is that our big chunky Canon is annoyingly heavy. But I did get to fit in a little outfit shoot outside the new high-end shopping complex, the City Center. You guys have seen me in these boots and this pair of jeans many times before on this blog. They are two of my favorite go-to pieces because they are so comfortable and easy to work around. I really like the contrasting look of black and nudes together. Harsh against soft. Dark against light. Nudes exude a cleanliness and a freshness that spring is all about. And they make the perfect canvas for a red pout.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter for those who celebrated! I spent time with my family, had a delicious Vietnamese dinner, and finally saw Up in the Air. I really thought it was hilarious. And now I know that I never want a career in which I have to fire people on a daily basis. Talk about depressing work!


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