Good morning Zomblets! This week is speeding along nicely and I am soo ready for another weekend.
Last weekend my boyfriend and I babysat a couple of one-year-olds and it got me thinking about what being a mom would really be like. Mainly, I was thinking, "How do people do this all day long?!" The most exhausting thing was having to pay
that much attention to another being. Still, as the little guy in my lap grabbed sticky handfuls of food intended for his mouth but destined for my lap, I couldn't help but enjoy myself. It was kind of fun to carry him around and pretend like he was mine for awhile. Small children are sometimes the ultimate accessory and it's funny how other women compliment you on them in the same way they would a pretty dress. I love it when moms really embrace that element of motherhood... my favorite is when they coordinate their kids outfit with their own! It can be kind of tacky but most of the time I think it's really cute. I came up with some ideas for all the interested moms out there:
It doesn't have to be matching colors you can go for something a little more subtle like similar patterns or fabrics... maybe you are both wearing your hair in braids! <3
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