These pictures were taken quite a while ago, but I never got the chance to get them up on the blog. But since we've been having some crazy rainy weather here on the east coast recently, I feel like posting them now (although rather late) is better than never. Finally, let me introduce you to Reading Terminal, once of my favorite places in Philly. This former railroad train terminal built in the early 1890's is now food central for the modern day person. You can get EVERYTHING here. Fresh produce. Amish baked goods. Cajun food. Indian food. Chinese food. American food. Cheese steaks. Cookies. Jam. Chocolate. Pickles. Ice cream. You name, they have it. Everyday the place is packed from morning until closing time. It's just such a fun place to go to on the weekends when you want to people watch or feed your tummy, or do both at the same time. I haven't been in a while because I've been either too busy or in NYC, but I plan on making a trip back this weekend. Definitely looking forward to it!
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