Monday, October 24, 2011

Bon Bon

bruno pieters x weekday jacket

photos by stefanie

Say hi to Bon Bon.. she's been my baby for my entire childhood and I can not believe she hasn't appeared the blog until now!!

when I was 10 my dad made the mistake of jokingly promising me a puppy if I had the cash for one.  So started a year of selling, saving and begging until I finally had enough money for my own little cockerspaniel... I only get to see Bon Bon when I visit finland, so sadly not very often. I couldn't resist including her in the photos, especially in her overgrown messy hair-do, we totally match!

I wore a silk dress is by shakuhachi from the fantastic Bona Drag, who never fails to impress me with their amazing choice of collections.

ps. Bona Drag has been kind enough to offer you all 25 % off the ENTIRE SITE on until wednesday morning! Just enter the code 'Hallowaukee' at checkout.



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