Friday, November 4, 2011

It's Friday I'm... a Lazy Blogger!

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Sorry for the lack of posts this week. I think I have blogger's block. Have you seen this blog about school lunches? It's called "Fed Up with Lunch" and it chronicles the journey of a elementary school teacher who goes undercover to expose the state of America's school lunches. She ate a school lunch every day of 2010 and took pictures of them all. It's horrifying and fascinating. You cans start at the beginning or just skip around. She's since revealed her secret identity and now has book deal. It's exciting how writing a blog like that can actually make a difference. Do you remember your school lunches? I used to have to eat them and I remember that they were disgusting. Most days I ate nothing at all. They were probably much better than these lunches though. I think we had a salad bar. 

It's supposed to rain this weekend- which is kind of exciting because we have had a bit of an Indian summer. Although , I'm supposed to go wedding tomorrow night and I think it's supposed to be outside... I hope it doesn't ruin their plans or my outfit plans! Have a great weekend everyone!


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